Mt. Labo Exploration and Development Corporation (“Mt. Labo”) enters strategic partnership with one of the largest natural resource companies in the world, Glencore International AG, to finance Stage 1 of the high-grade Copper and Gold Mabilo Project
Consolidated Interim Financial Statements for the six-month period ended June 30, 2024.
Mabilo High-Grade Copper and Gold Project – Philippines
• RTG Mining holds a 40% interest in Mt. Labo Exploration and Development Corporation (“Mt. Labo”) which owns the high-grade Copper and Gold Mabilo Project in the Philippines, together with a 2% Net Smelter Royalty and a loan of approximately US$27M, to be repaid out of the proceeds of Stage 1 Direct Shipping Operation (“DSO”).
Multiple Finance and Offtake Offers Secured for Development of Mabilo Copper-Gold Project.
Mabilo High-Grade Copper and Gold Project – Philippines
• RTG Mining holds a 40% interest in Mt. Labo Exploration and Development Corporation (“Mt. Labo”) which owns the high-grade Copper and Gold Mabilo Project in the Philippines, together with a 2% Net Smelter Royalty and a loan of approximately US$27M, to be repaid out of the proceeds of Stage 1, the planned Direct Shipping Operation (“DSO”).
• Recent strengthening in both copper and gold prices, and general consensus forecasting continued growth in both commodities, means start-up of this project is well positioned to capitalise on a stronger market and generate significant and early cashflows.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, or the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to provide a cost update for Stage 1 of the Mabilo Project in The Philippines.
• New results confirm multiple styles of mineralisation and more encouraging gold and copper grades along 6.5km of skarns and new structures
• High-grade trench sampling assays include:
• 17m @ 5.13g/t Au and 0.78% Cu from Cut 6
• 3m @ 2.52g/t Au and 10.48% Cu from Cut 7
• 11m @ 1.29g/t Au (including 1m @ 3.13g/t Au and 1.03% Cu) from Cut 8
• 3m @ 4.15% Cu from Cut 8
• Chanach demonstrates clear potential to host both a high-grade, large Copper – Gold Porphyry Skarn system, combined with a high-grade epithermal gold system
Mabilo High-Grade Copper and Gold Project – Philippines
• RTG Mining holds a 40% interest in Mt. Labo Exploration and Development Corporation (“Mt. Labo”) which owns the high-grade Copper and Gold Mabilo Project in the Philippines.
• During the quarter, the Company announced that it held its first project development meeting with TVIRD executives to undertake a detailed review of operational plans for the Mabilo Project, including a central focus on the start-up of the Direct Shipping Ore ‘DSO’ operation. RTG considers these latest discussions a significant step forward for RTG and signal TVIRD’s commitment to helping shift the focus for the Mabilo Project from corporate to operational matters.
▪ Extensive field work program highlights encouraging gold and copper mineralisation along 6.5km of skarns and new structures within Chanach.
▪ High-grade trench sampling assays include:
▪ 2m @ 4.05g/t Au and 1.56% Cu from Cut 1
▪ 1m @ 1.10g/t Au and 0.76% Cu from Cut 1
▪ 7m @ 2.94g/t Au (including 4m @ 4.87g/t Au) and 1.12% Cu from Cut 2
▪ 5m @ 5.53g/t Au from Cut 5 (Outcropping Quartz vein in Central Area)
▪ RTG continues to advance progress on Mabilo Project in Philippines – budget discussions with project partners progressing well.
Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
For the six-month period ended June 30, 2023
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed the issue of 81,037,020 Chess Depository Instruments (“Securities”) at a price of A$0.048 per Security to institutional and sophisticated investors under Tranche 2 of the private placement announced by the Company on 4 July 2023 (“Private Placement”).
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, or the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to provide this update on progress with respect to the development of the high grade copper-gold Mabilo Project located in Camarines Norte Province, Eastern Luzon, Philippines.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, or the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce the completion of the final documentation relating to the comprehensive settlement of all outstanding issues with the Villar Family controlled Sage Capital and TVI Resource Development (Phils.) Inc. (“TVIRD”).
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Company has successfully completed the issue of 208,893,190 Chess Depository Instruments (“Securities”) at a price of A$0.048 per Security to institutional and sophisticated investors pursuant to the private placement announced by the Company on 4 July 2023 (“Private Placement”). Tranche 1 of the Private Placement raised proceeds of circa A$10 million (before costs). 125,808,218 and 83,084,972 Tranche 1 Securities were issued using the Company’s placement capacity under ASX Listing Rule 7.1 and 7.1A respectively.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Company has received commitments to raise approximately A$14 million (circa US$9 million) in a private placement to institutional and sophisticated investors (“Private Placement”).
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, or the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that a comprehensive settlement of all outstanding issues with the Villar Family controlled Sage Capital and TVI Resource Development (Phils.) Inc. (“TVIRD”) has been reached and a binding Memorandum of Agreement signed. On execution of the final documents, expected in the next month, all litigation that RTG had launched will be withdrawn as part of an agreed restructuring of the Mabilo Project.
Notice of Annual General Meeting – 31 May 2023
Annual Financial Report – Year Ended December 31, 2022.
RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG” or “the Company”) (ASX:RTG, TSX:RTG) advises that as of immediate effect its principal place of business and corporate headquarters will change to: L1, 516 Hay Street, Subiaco, WA 6008…
RTG Mining Inc Quarterly Activities Report – June 2022
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that Mr Kenneth Caruso has agreed to join the Board of Directors. Mr Caruso has over 40 years of legal experience, specialising in both civil and criminal matters, often involving international jurisdictions. Prior to his current position, he was a partner in the New York office of the global law firm, White & Case. Mr Caruso is one of the few lawyers in New York to be recognised for both white collar and commercial work, including in many of the most respected guides to leading lawyers.
Notice of General Meeting
10:00am (Perth, Western Australia time), Thursday 24 February 2022
The Park Business Centre
45 Ventnor Avenue
West Perth, Western Australia 6005
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that Secretary Roy Cimatu of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (“DENR”) signed Department Administrative Order No. 2021-40 on 23 December 2021, lifting the four-year-old ban on the open-pit method of mining for copper, gold, silver, and complex ores in the country.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Company has successfully completed the issue of approximately 156,277,779 Chess Depository Instruments (“Securities”) at a price of A$0.09 per Security to institutional and sophisticated investors pursuant to the private placement announced by the Company on 20 December 2021 (“Private Placement”). The Private Placement raised proceeds of circa US$10 million (before costs).
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Company has received commitments to raise approximately US$10 million (circa A$14.2 million) in a private placement to institutional and sophisticated investors (“Private Placement”).
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that Justice Patricia Bergin in the Singapore International Commercial Court of the Republic of Singapore has dismissed Galeo Equipment Corporation’s application to set aside the Final Award, issued by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre in favour of Mt. Labo Exploration and Development Corporation (“Mt. Labo”), in its entirety. Mt. Labo would like to thank Mr Davinder Singh SC and his team for their assistance on this matter.
Consolidated Interim Financial Reports – for the six month period ended 30 June 2021.
Notice of Annual General Meeting.
10:00am (Perth, Western Australia time), Friday, 28 May 2021.
The Park Business Centre
45 Ventnor Avenue
West Perth, Western Australia 6005
RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that President Duterte has signed Executive Order 130 which lifts the nine-year ban on granting new mining agreements to stimulate economic growth in the country including increased employment opportunities in remote rural areas (such as the Municipality of Labo in the Province of Camarines Norte, where the Mabilo Project is located).
Annual Financial Report for the year ended December 31, 2020.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City in the Philippines has dismissed the Petition for Refusal of Recognition and Enforcement of a Foreign Arbitral Award (“Refusal Petition”) with prayer for issuance of a Writ for Preliminary Injunction (“Application for Injunction”) filed by Galeo Equipment Corporation against Mt. Labo Exploration and Development Corporation, with respect to the enforcement of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre Final Award in the Philippines. The Order recognised that the requisites at law for the issuance of a writ of injunction were absent, and that the Refusal Petition, and consequentially the Application for Injunction, failed on jurisdictional grounds.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that Mr Sean Fieler has agreed to join the Board, providing some representation for our North American investors. Mr Fieler is the Chief Investment Officer and President of Equinox Partners Investment Management, a Connecticut-based money manager who is also our largest shareholder. He joined Equinox Partners in 1995 after graduating from Williams College. For the past twenty years, he has built a track record as an investor in precious metals mining and emerging markets equities.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Office of the Bougainville Electoral Commission has today declared a new President, Mr Ishmael Toroama. Mr Toroama was a Commander of the Bougainville Revolutionary Army and has a strong record of promoting Peace and Independence for Bougainville, with a stated focus on stamping out any corruption in the Autonomous Bougainville Government and its public service.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Company has successfully completed the issue of 102,422,120 Chess Depository Instruments (“Securities”) at a price of A$0.057 per Security to Australian and international institutional and sophisticated investors pursuant to Tranche 2 of the private placement announced by the Company on 22 May 2020 (“Private Placement”).
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Company has finalised agreements for the sale of its remaining interests in Thor Explorations Ltd (“Thor”), received in consideration for the sale of the Segilola Gold Project in Nigeria some years ago. RTG has sold its shareholding for a total consideration of C$2.45m and has agreed to sell the royalty for a further C$0.65m in cash and C$0.25m of shares in Vox Royalty Corp. (TSXV:VOX). Completion of the royalty transaction is anticipated in the 60 days following satisfaction of the notice period with Thor, with total consideration for the two transaction being C$3.35m.
Notice of Annual General Meeting – Tuesday 7 July 2020.
The Park Business Centre
45 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth
Western Australia 6005
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that Mt. Labo Exploration and Development Corporation (“Mt. Labo”), which holds the high grade Mabilo Project in the Philippines, recently received written confirmation that the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (“MGB”) has now approved the expansion of the current Mineral Production Sharing Agreement No. MLC-MRD-459 for the Nalesbitan Project to include the Mabilo Project, being the subject of an approved Declared Mine Feasibility Study and Environmental Clearance Certificate.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Company has received commitments to raise approximately US$6 million (circa A$9.2 million) in a private placement to Australian and international institutional and sophisticated investors (“Private Placement”).
RTG Mining Inc. (ASX:RTG, TSX:RTG, OTCQB:RTGGF) (“RTG” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into binding Memorandum of Agreement (“MOA”) with the two priority applicants for the Mt Kare Gold Project located in the Enga Province of Papua New Guinea (“PNG”) to acquire a majority 80% stake in the project if and when successful in securing the new exploration licence. The two vendors are GMG Global Mining Group Limited (“GMG”) and Tribune Mt. Kare Limited (“Tribune”).
RTG Mining Inc. (ASX:RTG, TSX:RTG, OTCQB:RTGGF) (“RTG” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into binding Memorandum of Agreement (“MOA”) with the two priority applicants for the Mt Kare Gold Project located in the Enga Province of Papua New Guinea (“PNG”) to acquire a majority 80% stake in the project if and when successful in securing the new exploration licence. The two vendors are GMG Global Mining Group Limited (“GMG”) and Tribune Mt. Kare Limited (“Tribune”).
An independence referendum in Bougainville has reignited interest in copper mining in the South Pacific island, causing a surge in the shares of the former operator of the mine that sparked the region’s war to secede from Papua New Guinea.
RTG’s Kyrgyz Republic Interests
During the quarter, RTG Mining Inc. (ASX:RTG, TSX:RTG, OTCQB:RTGGF) (“RTG” or “the Company”) entered into a Sale and Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) with White Cliff Minerals Limited (“WCN”) to acquire its majority (90%) stake in the high grade Chanach Gold and Copper Project (“Chanach Project”) in the Kyrgyz Republic, announced on 6 September 20191.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX:RTG, ASX:RTG, OTCQB:RTGGF) is pleased to announce that the hearing of the arbitration matter between Mt. Labo Exploration and Development Corporation (“Mt. Labo”), with an interest in the high grade Mabilo Project in the Philippines and Galeo Equipment Corporation, has been now been scheduled to commence on 16 September 2019. This is an important step in the resolution of the matter for Mt. Labo and the Mabilo Project.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX:RTG, ASX:RTG, OTCQB:RTGGF) is pleased to announce that the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (“MGB”) has formally approved the Feasibility Study for the Mabilo Project, held by Mt. Labo Exploration and Development Corporation (“Mt. Labo”). Following a review by the Technical Committee on Mining Project Feasibility Studies, the evaluation confirmed the project is technically and economically feasible after consideration of the environmental, social and fiscal costs prescribed under the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations as amended. This is a critical step in the finalisation of permitting for the start up of the Mabilo Project by Mt. Labo and they have expressed their appreciation to the MGB for their support.
Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders of RTG Mining Inc. To be held on May 24, 2019 at 10:30AM at the address of The Park Business Centre, 45 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, Western Australia and Explanatory Memorandum
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG, OTCQB:RTGGF) announces that, as previously advised the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”), the Landowner Association whose members are the Customary Owners of the land and mineral resources of the Panguna Mine (the area of the old EL 01), have nominated RTG as their development partner for Panguna. A Joint Venture Agreement, consistent with the Bougainville Mining Act (“BMA”) has been entered into.
The Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (SMLOLA) in Panguna, Bougainville, in accordance with its Constitution, held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 21 December 2018 reporting back to its members on the significant activities during the year and the success of the extensive awareness and unification programs, establishing the hard fought for unity of its members, that has taken nearly 30 years to achieve.
RTG Mining Inc. (ASX:RTG, TSX:RTG, OTCQB:RTGGF) (“RTG” or “the Company”) confirms that the Company is now a “designated foreign issuer” as defined in Canadian National Instrument 71-102 – Continuous Disclosure and Other Exemptions Relating to Foreign Issuers (“NI 71-102”) and will be exempt from certain reporting and filing obligations required under Canadian securities legislation. As a result, compliance with Canadian continuous disclosure requirements will, where allowed under NI 71-102, be satisfied by complying with the continuous disclosure requirements under Australian law and the Australian Securities Exchange Listing Rules.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (ASX:RTG, TSX:RTG, OTCQB:RTGGF) is pleased to announce that Mt. Labo Exploration and Development Corporation (“Mt. Labo”) has successfully secured a second renewal of EP-014-2013-V (“EL”) for a further 2 year period. Mt. Labo would like to thank the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (“MGB”) for their timely renewal of the EL and will continue to work with the MGB and Department of Environment and Natural Resources to finalise permitting for commencement of the Mabilo Project. This is further evidence of the progress being made in the Philippines towards the objective of the normalisation of permitting for mineral projects held by responsible miners who adhere to world’s best practices in respect of environmental management.
RTG Mining Inc. (ASX:RTG, TSX:RTG, OTCQB:RTGGF) (“RTG” or “the Company”) is
pleased to announce that the Company has been certified to trade on the OTCQB Venture
Market (“OTCQB”)…
RTG Mining Inc. (ASX:RTG, TSX:RTG) (“RTG” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that following its nomination as the preferred development partner of the Panguna Landowners Association – the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”) and the establishment of the joint venture between RTG and its subsidiaries and Landowners through Panguna Minerals Limited (formerly CMEL), the Consortium was invited to present their redevelopment proposal for Panguna to the House of Representatives, held on Thursday, 6 September 2018.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce, following continued strong progress by the landowners at the old Panguna Mine, uniting behind the redevelopment proposal for Panguna with RTG Mining Inc., the Company has acquired a further interest in Central Exploration Pty Ltd (“Central”) and converted further loans to increase its interest to just under 70% of Central.
RTG Mining Inc. (TSX: RTG, ASX: RTG) (“RTG” or the “Company”) was pleased to be invited as the major and naming sponsor for the festivities on Bougainville Day in Arawa. Bougainville Day is an annual celebration to commemorate the day on which Bougainville was granted autonomous self-government. The celebration is a community event with backing of local business houses and the Kieta District Administration.
The Chairman of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”), Mr Philip Miriori said “I am pleased to finally put to bed the lies of Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”), most recently outlined by Mel Togolo at the Annual General Meeting of BCL. They have unsuccessfully tried to work against the interests of the Panguna Landowners by stating to all, its shareholders, the Courts in their aggressive action against our own Autonomous Bougainville Government and the press that they have as much as 90% of “titleholders” support in Panguna. We have proved this statement is both false and misleading and we call on them to simply not return to Panguna. They are not welcome here in Panguna. Why are they wasting our time and limited resources – let us move forward in our own way.”
RTG Mining Inc provides an update by the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowner Association Inc. (“SMLOLA”) on titleholder support in Panguna.
Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”) continues to insult and disrespect Bougainville: the Panguna Customary Landowners by the recent statements made by BCL’s Chairman, Mr Mel Togolo and the ABG by their treatment at their Annual General Meeting blocking their vote.
RTG Mining Inc. (TSX: RTG, ASX: RTG) (“RTG” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that together with the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”), the company has donated much needed medical supplies to the new Arawa District Hospital, which is soon to be officially opened in Bougainville by the Australian High Commissioner and leading Government officials from both the Autonomous Bougainville Government and Papua New Guinea Government. We refer you to the attached Press Release by the SMLOLA.
The Chairman of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”), Mr Philip Miriori is pleased to announce that in line with the objectives of the Association, we have been working with the team at the new Arawa District Hospital including Dr Joe Vilosi Poten to assist in providing much needed medical supplies to the new hospital which is officially opening in a few weeks.
RTG Mining Inc. (TSX: RTG, ASX: RTG) (“RTG” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed the issue of 286,217,476 Chess Depository Instruments (“Securities”) at a price of A$0.14 per Security to Australian and international institutional and sophisticated investors pursuant to Tranche 2 of the private placement announced by the Company on February 27, 2018 (“Private Placement”).
“We the Leaders of the Emai Families of Guava village would like to correct recent statements wrongly attributed by representatives of BCL, to our Chief Thomas Oni, trying to take advantage of our family and our “Disabled (on wheel chair) Chief. It was a false media release put out by the BCL representatives without our Emai Families’ consent. The purported comments by Chief Oni were misleading and taken out of context”.
RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG” or “the Company”) held its Extraordinary General Meeting on 24 April at 10:30am Perth, Western Australia time.
A General Meeting of RTG Mining Inc. (RTG or the Company) will be held at The Park Business Centre, 45 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, Western Australia 6005 at 10:30am (Perth, Western Australia time) Tuesday, 24 April 2018
A General Meeting of RTG Mining Inc. will be held at the Park Business Centre, 45 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, Western Australia 6005 at 10:30am (Perth, Western Australia time) Tuesday, 24 April 2018
RTG Mining Inc. (TSX: RTG, ASX: RTG) (“RTG” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed the issue of approximately 25,137,836 Chess Depository Instruments (“Securities”) at a price of A$0.14 per Security to Australian and international institutional and sophisticated investors pursuant to Tranche 1 of the private placement announced by the Company on 27 February 2018 (“Private Placement”). Tranche 1 of the Private Placement raised proceeds of circa US$2.8 million (before costs).
Hartleys Limited and Trump Securities LLC acted as Joint Lead Managers to the Private Placement. A Notice of Meeting to approve Tranche 2 of the Private Placement will be sent to shareholders in due course.
RTG Mining Inc. (TSX: RTG, ASX: RTG) (“RTG” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed the issue of approximately 25,137,836 Chess Depository Instruments (“Securities”) at a price of A$0.14 per Security to Australian and international institutional and sophisticated investors pursuant to Tranche 1 of the private placement announced by the Company on 27 February 2018 (“Private Placement”). Tranche 1 of the Private Placement raised proceeds of circa US$2.8 million (before costs).
Hartleys Limited and Trump Securities LLC acted as Joint Lead Managers to the Private Placement. A Notice of Meeting to approve Tranche 2 of the Private Placement will be sent to shareholders in due course.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Company has received commitments to raise approximately US$34 million in a private placement to Australian and international institutional and sophisticated investors (“Private Placement”).
Hartleys Limited, together with Trump Securities LLC (the “US Placement Agent”), acted as Joint Lead Managers to the Private Placement.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, the “Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Company has received commitments to raise approximately US$34 million in a private placement to Australian and international institutional and sophisticated investors (“Private Placement”).
Hartleys Limited, together with Trump Securities LLC (the “US Placement Agent”), acted as Joint Lead Managers to the Private Placement.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) announces that the Company has filed the December 2017 Quarterly activities report (“the Report”) to the ASX as required under ASX listing rules….
Following the recent rejection of Bougainville Copper Limited’s plans to redevelop Panguna, by the Bougainville Executive Council and President Momis’s press release on 22 December 2017 suggesting he would like to work more closely with the landowners to find an acceptable redevelopment proposal for Panguna, that will be widely supported by Bougainvilleans and unite the landowners, we were very appreciative of President Momis’s offer to meet, to start this process.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) refers to the request of the Australian Stock Exchange to confirm that the announcement of RTG on 27 December 2017 addresses the subject matter that was referred to in an ABC interview released today and RTG confirms the same.
The Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association Inc (“SMLOLA”) is appreciative of the efforts of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (“ABG”), giving Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”) every opportunity to step up and win landowner support, as they repeatedly stated they had. As evidenced by the Warden’s Hearing however, the landowners for the first time, were fiven an opportunity to speak their mind and clearly BCL does not have the support of the community at large, even after a two year exploration license and a further period of nearly 18 months. We feel the ABG has been more than fair to BCL. However they have not even taken responsibility for the past or offered us any compensation, just lots of broken promises. They have clearly failed under the Bougainville Mining Act and we thank the ABG, Mining Department, Mining Registrar and Mining Warden for conducting an open and fair Warden’s Hearing, which has shown that BCL will never be welcomed back into Panguna. The professionalism of the Hearing has brought much hope to our people who many feel they were being listened to for the first time.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) refers to the recent press release dated 13 December 2017 by Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”) which RTG considers to be misleading.
In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 17.1, RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) hereby requests an immediate trading halt to the Company’s securities, pending an announcement regarding a response to a press release issued by Bougainville Copper Limited on 13 December 2017.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) refers to the recent press release dated 13 December 2017 by Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”) which RTG considers to be misleading.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to provide an update on the Warden’s Hearing for Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”) held in Panguna yesterday. Despite BCL not having been to Panguna in over 28 years (given landowners had refused to even allow them access), to ensure a full and fair hearing amongst the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association members, Autonomous Bougainville Government (“ABG”) representatives, including the Warden and BCL, the landowners in a show of good faith allowed BCL access on this special occasion (despite BCL not having followed custom).
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to provide an update on the Warden’s Hearing for Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”) held in Panguna yesterday. Despite BCL not having been to Panguna in over 28 years (given landowners had refused to even allow them access), to ensure a full and fair hearing amongst the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association members, Autonomous Bougainville Government (“ABG”) representatives, including the Warden and BCL, the landowners in a show of good faith allowed BCL access on this special occasion (despite BCL not having followed custom).
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that through a further direct investment and conversion of loans in Central Exploration Pty Ltd (“Central”), RTG has increased its interest in Central to 24%. Michael Carrick is now Chairman of Central and Justine Magee has also been appointed a director of Central. In addition one of RTG’s major shareholders (interests represented by Mr. Richard Hains, who also independently provided early stage funding to Central), has a 32% interest in Central.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that through a further direct investment and conversion of loans in Central Exploration Pty Ltd (“Central”), RTG has increased its interest in Central to 24%. Michael Carrick is now Chairman of Central and Justine Magee has also been appointed a director of Central. In addition one of RTG’s major shareholders (interests represented by Mr. Richard Hains, who also independently provided early stage funding to Central), has a 32% interest in Central.
Mr Philip Miriori, the Chairman of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”) and Mr Lawrence Daveona are pleased to report to all members, that following a customary reconciliation process, both men as leaders in Panguna have reconciled and are keen to build unity amongst all members to support the initiatives of the Chairman, Mr Philip Miriori
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that Mr Philip Miriori has been confirmed as the Chairman of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”) and all Court actions will now be withdrawn and come to an end. Mr Miriori has entered into and signed a formal written reconciliation agreement with Mr Lawrence Daveona, following a customary reconciliation process.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that Mr Philip Miriori has been confirmed as the Chairman of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”) and all Court actions will now be withdrawn and come to an end. Mr Miriori has entered into and signed a formal written reconciliation agreement with Mr Lawrence Daveona, following a customary reconciliation process.
The Mediation process reconvened yesterday, following 6 full days in previous rounds and an extensive separate reconciliation process between myself, Philip Miriori and Mr Lawrence Daveona who has been seeking to challenge by leadership of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”).
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) refer to the recent announcement of Kalia Limited (“Kalia”) dated 16 November 2017 (“Kalia Legal Announcement”). This announcement seeks to clarify any confusion created by the Kalia Legal Announcement and the actions Central Exploration Pty Ltd (“Central”) has taken to protect its interests at the old Panguna Mine in Bougainville.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) refer to the recent announcement of Kalia Limited (“Kalia”) dated 16 November 2017 (“Kalia Legal Announcement”). This announcement seeks to clarify any confusion created by the Kalia Legal Announcement and the actions Central Exploration Pty Ltd (“Central”) has taken to protect its interests at the old Panguna Mine in Bougainville.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) announcesthat the Company has filed the September2017Quarterly activities report(“the Report”) to the ASX as required under ASX listing rules…
Mr Philip Miriori, the Chairman of the SMLOLA is annoyed by the recent Shareholder Release by Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”) which is, profoundly misleading and shows complete disrespect for the facts, the SMLOLA and the views of many of our members, who are standing up for their rights and say, “No to BCL Forever”. The SMLOLA petition against the return of BCL now represents around 2,000 members and continues to increase, but BCL just refuses to listen. BCL try and distract from the real issue – a lack of necessary landowner support – by suggesting there is a leadership issue. Mr Miriori is the Court approved and recognised Chairman of the SMLOLA and MR Daveona’s challenge is disingenuous as it only arose when the members’ view – NO TO BCL – was made clear to BCL. It was a last-ditch effort to try and go around our members.
– According to IPA records; Rio Tinto still controls BCL.
– ABG has no shares in BCL.
– No Prior Written Consent by ABG.
– BCL’s registered office is still Rio Tinto’s HQ in Melbourne.
The Chairman of the SMLOLA, Mr Philip Miriori says “As many would be aware, we Bougainvilleans have been through a tough history with the disasters that came from the past operations at Panguna, then owned by Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”). One of the key issues that lead to our civil war, where around 20,000 of our friends and family died, was the way we were treated by BCL then, entering our lands without consent, without compensating us fairly. Since the end of the conflict, BCL has made no effort to resolve the damage they caused to our people, lands and rivers – infact they deny any responsibility and are trying to tell us what to do again, calling us impediments when we do not agree with the rules they try and dictate. Have they learned nothing or think we have forgotten?”
The Board of RTG Mining Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Ryan Eadie as the new Company Secretary.
Finally Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”) acknowledges it has again failed to win a Social License and now says it will “step up its on-the-ground activities in Bougainville” which should have been obvious much earlier, given the recent road block which stymied their efforts to have a support agreement signed and the petition that was signed by approximately 550 people living in and around the old minesite saying “No to BCL”. The petition was formally delivered to President Momis and the Autonomous Bougainville Government (“ABG”) in April this year. There is an ever growing community discontent about the way they are being treated and you do not get any understanding of that when you read BCL’s announcement.
RTG Mining Inc. (ASX:RTG, TSX:RTG) confirms recent press statements that it has been nominated as the development partner with the joint venture company of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”) and the 1.5B tonne Copper-Gold Panguna Project…
RTG Mining Inc. (ASX:RTG, TSX:RTG) confirms recent press statements that it has been nominated as the development partner with the joint venture company of the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (“SMLOLA”) and Central Exploration (“Central”) in their proposal with respect to the redevelopment of the 1.5B tonne Copper-Gold Panguna Project…
The entire cabinet of the Autonomous Bougainville Government (“ABG”) travelled by convoy from Buka to Panguna last Friday, with the intent of signing a MOA in favour of Bougainville Copper Limited (“BCL”), without any consultation with us. Not only were they blocked from passing through Morgan’s Junction at Panguna, by hundreds of unhappy and discontent landowners, but the Court also issued an injunction restraining the signing of their proposed MOA by all parties including the ABG. They were left with no option but to turn around and return to Buka.
At the same time as President Momis and his entire cabinet were travelling by convoy from Buka to Panguna last Friday, with the intent of signing its MOA, and then prevented from passing through MOrgan’s Junction up to Panguna by hundreds of landowners, the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association’s Lawyer, Michael Wilson of Warner Shand was arguing for an injunction restraining the signing of the MOA by all named parties including the ABG on behalf of the SMLOLA.
RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG), advises that the attached letter has been sent to holders of Listed Options exercisable at C$1.50 on or before 4 June 2017…
Recent press articles suggest both the Governments of Bougainville and Papua New Guinea are considering supporting Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) to redevelop the Panguna Mine. The Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (SMLOLA), the legal owners of the minerals and land at the old Panguna mine cannot understand why that would even be considered.
Panguna Landowners have reacted angrily to a news report that the PNG Government supports disgraced ex-Rio company BCL in its bid to convince authorities it should be given exploration rights at the minesite.
Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders of RTG Mining Inc to be held on May 18, 2017 at 10:30AM at the address of The Park Business Centre, 45 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth WA 6005 and Management Information Circular
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) announces the results of the diamond drilling program at the Bunawan Project in the Philippines including intercepted high grade mineralization intervals, with 9.0m @ 2.02/t Au.
For 17 years since the Bougainville Conflict was settled, both MGU and SML customary landowner groups have been working separately and often in conflict with each other. The causes of this conflict go back to 1964, when Bougainville Copper Limited first occupied and destroyed our ancestral land and our way of life. Without landowner consent, BCL built the world’s largest open cut copper mine generating untold wealth which was never shared with the landowners. This must never happen again.
December 2016 Quarterly Report
Announcement to the ASX
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) provides an update on developments with the Mabilo Project (“the Project”). We believe the Project can be a driver of significant new value for all stakeholders, including both the Philippine Government and local communities.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) provides an update on developments with the Mabilo Project (“the Project”). We believe the Project can be a driver of significant new value for all stakeholders, including both the Philippine Government and local communities.
The Board of RTG Mining Inc. (“RTG”, “the Company”) (TSX Code: RTG, ASX Code: RTG) is pleased to announce that the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (“MGB”) in the Philippines has just renewed the Exploration License (EP-000033-14- XIII) (“EP”) for the Bunawan Project in the Philippines for a further 2 years….
RTG Mining Inc. (TSX: RTG, ASX: RTG) (“RTG” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed the issue of approximately 33million shares ata price of A$0.60per share to institutional and sophisticated investors
RTG Mining Inc. (TSX: RTG, ASX: RTG) (“RTG” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed the issue of approximately 33million shares ata price of A$0.60per share to institutional and sophisticated investors…