Chanach Gold & Copper
- Acquired October 2019 for US$3.65/oz Au and US$0.0063/lb Cu
- 484Koz Au at 5.1g/t & 64Kt Cu at 0.37% (inferred)*
- Western Kyrgyzstan, an emerging strong new mining jurisdiction
- Management team has in-country experience

In Support of Development Potential
Highly Attractive Deal Terms
Value Accretive Position
- Acquisition cost of US$3.65/oz Au & US$0.0035/lb Cu
- Exceptionally low discovery cost of US$11.80/oz
- Highly prospective in mining-friendly jurisdiction
- Strong 10% local JV partner – 2 local geologists
- RTG Management have previous in-country experience
- Excellent infrastructure & uninhabited project area
Chanach Gold & Copper
Significant Exploration Potential
*JORC 2012 | Equivalent calculations at $5,700/t Cu & $1,500/oz Au Before Recoveries |1.0g/t Au & 0.25% Cu Cutoff Grade |Not reviewed by QP
Potential for Large-Scale Copper/Gold at Chanach
- 64Kt Cu inferred resource
(17.2Mt at 0.37%) - Outcrops at surface
- Open to north & east
Multiple porphyry targets and
strong Cu soil anomaly north &
east outside drilled area -
Copper-skarn mineralisation
occurs on porphyry-limestone
contacts over a 2 km trend
Significant intervals from the Quartz Gold Zone:
- UGZ-15-35 – 8m @ 57.08 g/t Au from 75m including 1m @ 85.53 g/t Au from 76m, 1m @ 89.34 g/t Au from 80m followed by 1m @ 73.28 g/t Au from 81m
- ERC16-035 – 7m @ 23.52 g/t Au from 45m including 1m @ 149.41 g/t Au from 45m
- ERC16-036 – 12m @ 15.65 g/t Au including 1m @ 63.24 g/t Au from 82m followed by 1m @ 95.12 g/t Au from 83m
Significant intervals from the Sandstone Gold Zone:
- UGZ-15-33 – 4m @ 99.15 g/t Au from 65m including 1m @ 348.48 g/t Au from 67m
- UGZ-15-32A – 3m @ 41.45 g/t Au including 1m @ 71.58 g/t Au from 53m
Significant intervals from the Lower & Upper Gold Zone:
- LGZ-15-29A – 6m @ 38.40 g/t Au from 26m with 4m @ 56.46 g/t Au from 26m including 1m @ 49.79 g/t Au from 26m, 1m @ 23.55 g/t Au from 27m, 1m @ 95.22 g/t Au from 28m and 1m @ 57.29 g/t Au from 29m
- CH14-18 – 4m @ 23.83 g/t Au from 85m including 1m @ 30.19 g/t Au from 86m
- 98% overall recovery @ 75µm*
- 88.6% gravity gold recovery**
- 278 samples from mineralised intersections across deposit
- Moderate hardness
- Free milling (easily liberated)
- Low energy consumption
- Amenable to standard processing methods
- Low capital cost

The geology of the Chanach project area is prospective for epithermal gold deposits, porphyry copper deposits and polymetallic skarn deposits
The project area has extensive outcropping geology seen as multiple high-grade epithermal veins as well as skarn, which in turn have generated numerous porphyry targets
Identified mineralised faults and veins extend along 3km of strike length with <5% of the identified mineralised faults drilled to date to a relatively shallow average depth of 120m
Gold mineralisation occurs within multiple NNW shear zones and quartz veins 1-10 meters wide, within sandstone, limestone and conglomerate units associated with granodiorite porphyry intrusions
Zones of strongest mineralisation occur where the NNW shear zones flex and dilate around small porphyry intrusions
Some porphyries are also mineralised suggesting that gold deposition is post porphyry intrusion

Major deposits within 100km of Chanach Gold Project contain up to 93 million ounces Au & 25 million tonnes Cu
World’s largest gold mine, Muruntau (175Moz & ~2Moz/year production), Kumtor (19Moz) and Zarmitan (10Moz)
Gold industry contributes 60% of country’s export earnings – 4 new mines in last 5 years, 1 under construction
World Class Geological Setting
Highly Prolific Tien Shan Gold Belt
More than 1500km, Tien-Shan Gold Belt spans Uzbekistan, across Kyrgyzstan into Inner Mongolia and China
- Excellent access roads
- Within 200km of rail
- Low cost of skilled labour
- Grid power (~US$0.04/kwh)
- Kuru Tegarek (2017)
- Bozymchak (2015)
- Taldy Black L. (2015)
- Ishtamberdy (2014)
- Kumtor (1997)
- Taraz (175km)
- Namagan (200km)
- 30km from Ishtamberdy Mine
- 60km from Bozymchak Mine
Kyrgyzstan is Strong New
Mining-Friendly Jurisdiction
- Competitive mining law & secure licence tenure
- No government/local ownership requirements
- New US$2 Billion railway expansion planned
to link China to Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan - No artisanal mining culture